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The hospital is in Ibukoni village in the district of Rombo, which is on the eastern side of Kilimanjaro close to the northern border with Kenya.  It is situated on a road currently under major reconstruction which will eventually connect Arusha to the Kilimanjaro region and ultimately Nairobi.

There are some 400 beds overall and Huruma Hospital enjoys an excellent reputation within Tanzania and draws patients from a wide geographic area, including from as far away as Nairobi in Kenya.

It runs a very successful hostel for expectant mothers, who are encouraged to come and stay at the hospital for up to one month prior to giving birth.  There are several reasons for this. All of these pregnant mothers are assured of at least one well cooked meal a day during their stay as well as receiving educational classes on how to care for their babies and, perhaps most important of all vital information about sex & AIDS. These programs have been instrumental in leading to a significant drop in infant mortality. Approximately 300 babies are born here every month.

The hospital also has Pediatrics & Orthopedic Centers as well as an impressive Operating Facility.

Perhaps the most important part of Huruma hospital is the AIDS clinic. Aids has ravaged huge sections of African society and Tanzania has not escaped the carnage. A significant stigma is still attached to Aids in Africa as many people consider that Aids is a punishment for prior bad behavior. The clinic treats either the whole family or just the mother or father or just the mother and child.  It is encouraging that many African men are now also seeking treatment. The drugs mostly provided by the USA under a program initiated by President Clinton and expanded by President Bush are successfully prolonging and improving the quality of life.

Huruma hospital is receiving help from a number of institutions overseas including an organization based in Oakland California which has been able to ship containers of medical equipment and supplies to the hospital. Harbor Day school has also played an important role here by supplying the hospital with the computers for its computer center. Two other individuals supplied the funds for new lights in the operating theaters.  The hospital’s needs are great but it’s very encouraging to hear that aid is coming from so many different places along with doctors and nurses from the USA and all over Europe who donate their time & skills.

  • Miscellaneous Medical Supplies
  • Operating theater equipment
  • Blankets for the Newborn babies
  • School of Nurses: Scholarship Funds to assist in the training of nurses. Nursing School costs just under $1,000 a year for 2 years
  • Continuation of AIDS program